Tuesday, May 4, 2010


This blog began as a self-learning experience for me to get my foot in the door in the blogosphere as a professional on social networking. I'm using this post as a way to review my progress and recapitulate what I've learned as well as what I would do differently if I were to do it over.

I learned that writing a blog in itself really isn't all that difficult like I initially thought. Using what I know from previous classes in writing, research and analysis, I was able to create posts without being too self-conscious. Finding information and posting it became rather enjoyable. One thing I found to be somewhat difficult was the actual promotion of the blog. I have listed links to posts on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and PROpenMic. If I could do it again I would have tried linking though other ways like tweeting on other people's accounts as well as other social networking sites. My advice to anyone starting a blog would be to post as much as possible, promote yourself as much as possible in as many ways as possible and just put yourself out there and don't be afraid of any sort of feedback, positive or negative.

I have really enjoyed myself writing this blog and I definitely plan on continuing to post; however, the subject matter may change around a little. I'll stretch myself further into social media outside of the use by businesses that sponsor the Olympics. Stay posted for updates and I thank any of you that have read and/or given feedback.

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