Monday, May 3, 2010

Oil Spilt

As I was browsing my Twitter homepage, I noticed a tweet from the 2010 Winter Olympics people saying there are no changes expected in the BP sponsorship deal, despite a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. BP signed as a major USOC sponsor, saying the commitment to environmental issues coincides with their own green initiatives.

BP's Facebook page looks a lot like GE's page from my last post with a company description followed by related posts. These related posts; however, are from friends from my own account, most of which were negative. The related global posts follow those from my friends. Many people are outraged by this oil spill, so hopefully this sponsorship will help them cling to some sort of positive reputation after this oil spill catastrophe. I'm thinking BP should have some sort of response on their Facebook page.

Their Twitter account, however, offers frequent updates on the issue. They've tweeted information on a call center created for oil spill-related claims as well as a hotline for those who are interested in the aid for clean-up. I am now very interested in how this will all turn out and I am now following their account so that I may do so. How convenient.

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