Monday, May 3, 2010

Imagination at Work

Forbes ranked General Electric Company, or GE, as the world's largest company which undoubtedly is a product of countless seriously working imaginations. The company is a Worldwide Partner and exclusive provider of products and services integral to the Games.

According to their website, GE works with the Organizing Committees as well as hosting cities that plays an integral role in producing successful Olympic Games. Their partnership was launched in January 2005 with GE providing infrastructure solutions including power, water treatment, transportation and security, and to supply hospitals with ultrasound and MRI equipment used to treat athletes.

The question that comes to mind is, can the world's largest company effectively use and manage social networking? Twitter research reveals there are many of what seems like random users posting and updating GE's news, but nothing that looks officially run by people at the company.

Their Facebook page offers a description on the company followed by an interesting section offering related posts that global Facebook users have written about the company. Posts range from individuals trying to sell their GE products to others posting news clips covering company products.  I find this is particularly exciting because unless they do some serious screening, it means they are not afraid of what people have to say about them, good or bad. Any feedback is helpful, positive or negative. Even the largest company in the world isn't squashing the public's thoughts or opinions, at least not on Facebook. Kudos GE!

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