Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Hello Blogosphere!

It's been some time since I've had words with you. In fact, it's been TOO much time. Since the last post (nearly two years ago), I've let this poor blog go and after this long period of neglect, I thought I was going to let it remain defunct. In the back of my mind, I always knew this was not the proper fate for this blog. I mean, what ever did it do to me that would justify me to leave it sitting there with only a handful of posts? It would not do it any justice if I fail to use it for what a blog was created to do: provide fresh content through regular updates. While mulling the fate of the blog around for a while, I was fortunate to come in contact with an accomplished and invaluable individual that I knew could offer the direction I needed. It's people like her that really care about others and I'm grateful to be one of those others. This ally gave me some great ideas and instilled the bit of confidence I needed to start blogging again.

This blog was originally created during PR independent study (overseen by the aforementioned ally) in which I reviewed companies that were sponsors during the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games and their uses of social media focused around the event. (Hence the title - The Business of Sponsorships: Social Media for the Gold!) It was an opportunity to break into the blogosphere while exploring the world of social media via a relevant topic at that time. It was interesting, fun, new and overall it was a wonderful learning experience. Once I completed the independent study, I dropped it like a bad habit. I somewhat wallowed around wondering what to do after graduating college and finally landed a PR internship at a local marketing agency and suddenly I was too 'busy' to update anymore. The internship turned into a job and before I knew it, I was advising clients on best marketing strategies, social media practices, branding and mixed-media campaigns. And what would you know, I was also educating some clients on blogging, why they would benefit from having a blog and the importance of creating new content for their audience as well as their site's SEO (a website visibility in search engines). In a nutshell, I created a blog with a concentration on social media uses, and now I'm teaching others about blogs and social media uses. This was quite an unforeseen, yet interesting and surprisingly great turn of events!

That being said, I'm back with a different purpose this time. I would like to share some of my experiences now that I've had the opportunity to roam around the marketing industry. Some posts may discuss marketing/social media/PR know-how and some may surprise you with the next amazing event to take place on and around the job i.e. we resolved the iOS versus Android argument. Stay tuned!

I'm very glad to be back. Now on to renaming and redressing the blog. What should I call it?

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