Monday, March 19, 2012

Today, Success

Two weeks ago, I lost my job for reasons beyond my control. It was sad and I was very upset. Once this rug had been pulled out from under me, the fall was quick and then I hit the ground running. I spent several days updating my résumé and scouring job listings. I had many great friends that kept their ears open and passed information and opportunities my way. One friend immediately thought of a possible position at the company where she works. Unknown to me at the time, they were not looking to hire for my skill sets. In fact, nobody else was holding the position for which I was attempting to qualify. I sent my résumé that my friend then forwarded to her boss along with a very positive recommendation. He took her word for it and asked me in for a meeting to see what my friend's recommendation might be founded upon. I then  prepared meticulously for the meeting, experienced a spectacular interview and today,  the company's founder and CEO offered me the opportunity to work for his company. It has all happened so quickly that I almost don't know what to think or feel other than pure joy and happiness and wonderful feelings of being blessed by the career gods. Now I will not give the career gods real credit. I owe it to my friends, family, my earlier life and job experiences and my determination to get somewhere, better myself and be happy. Even more, I am very into this new company and it feels like a great fit. Today, I succeeded.


  1. Congratulations, Amanda!!

  2. Thank you! I couldn't be happier! I'm still working on my positioning, networking, etc.
