Monday, March 12, 2012

On to the Next

So, I've been let go from my job for reasons beyond my control and what I'm going to pin as a blessing from the career gods. It happened last week, on a Tuesday, in March. It was terrible and sudden and horrific and sad all rolled into a conference room meeting during an absolutely gorgeous afternoon. I've always known that these things happen, but have never been on the receiving end during this rather unpleasant event. I was in shock and disbelief while struggling to breathe, remain strong and fight back the tears. I loved the work I did and I had grown to believe in and love the company as well. As it turns out, this job was just the first small step through a lifelong career journey.

I was lucky to have been unlucky in experiencing my first job loss with a coworker whom I have developed a happy friendship. She housed me on nights I did not want to make the 45 minute commute to work the next day. We cooked dinner, we had Monday night wing night and we enjoyed wine night together. We even sometimes participated in what we call business drunk. I thank Jack Donaghy for his wise words: "Well, it's business drunk. It's like rich drunk. Either way, it's legal to drive." I missed my friend today. It has been nearly one week since we last worked together. So, I emailed her:

How did your interview go? It was today wasn’t it? It felt weird not gearing up to get to work today but it was refreshing and happy at the same time. Until I finally decided to go to the doctor to find out I have walking pneumonia. $(#@*! Seriously awesome timing but crappy realization I need to find a way to keep my health insurance going. I went ahead and paid for this month because sheesh, what happens the next time I get some weird illness I’ve never had before?!

After we get through some of this process of picking ourselves up again, we should really plan that trip to the beach, NYC, across the world or where ever. That will be the reward we give ourselves once we are in jobs that we truly love with people we truly like and bosses that take everything seriously.

Missed you not at work today,

There's some more motivation, along with this bit of wisdom I stumbled upon today. I'm prepared to push through week two!

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