Thursday, January 16, 2014

paint your passion

Life is simple. It's about being happy. It's about being happy with others and with that it's got its moments and layers.

I like to think of life's many facets like a painting. I'm not super creative or artistic but I appreciate a good piece of artwork for its beauty, even if I don't completely understand how it was conceived or what the artist meant to convey. There is a never-ending range of colors, or elements, that can make up one's life, all of which are determined by the painter, the artist, you. You pick and choose the colors and decide how much or how little you will use or allow on your canvas. In the beginning, we may have strong influences that may guide us to use certain colors with different measures of intensity, but as we learn and grow, we are able to paint over what has been done for us. Those other colors cannot be removed, but they can be covered or complimented by our choosing. It's completely beautiful in its own way, in a way that only you can really grasp because you live it.

I am happy because of this point of view; however, I am not content. I am not satisfied unless I am striving to do more. I want to do good in this world. It's like that time my brother and I went to Universal Studios and we rode The Incredible Hulk Coaster eight times in a row. We were in our late and mid-twenties, respectively. We loved it so much that one ride was not enough. I'd certainly love to live out the rest of my life similarly. I want to keep riding that good ride and continue to help others and maybe, in turn, feel contentment and satisfaction.

"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." Nelson Mandela


  1. Awesome writing - you are much more creative than you give yourself credit for! And thanks for following!

  2. You are very kind and encouraging. Thank you for connecting!
